Tag  |  saved

close to the cradle

The angels were on the verge of a brawl. As characters in our church’s nativity scene, a multitude of small girls outfitted in white gowns and halos had assembled around the cradle. Unfortunately, some eager cherubs decided that they wanted a better look at the baby. Pushing and elbowing ensued. Finally, one little girl turned to the audience and cried, “Mommy!” just before the nativity director ushered everyone off the stage.

you choose Q: how can I know I'm saved?

Q: I was born in a Christian family, my parents served God. I attended many meetings and answered many altar calls, confessed my sins many times, accepted Christ many times. I don't no whether I’ve sincerely prayed and am convicted—still lacking the assurance of salvation. I face nagging doubts. It almost drives me off. I don't really understand how to…

the garden city

Singapore is a tiny tropical island of just under 640 square kilometers. Despite its soaring skyscrapers, it remains one of the cleanest and greenest cities in the world. Visitors find out quickly why Singapore is known as the Garden City of the Tropics. East Coast Parkway, the road from the airport to the city center, is sheltered by a tree…

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