Tag  |  remembering

The Need to Remember

The Microsoft Corporation conducted a study on the human attention span, with somewhat funny and humiliating results. The researchers found that the modern person has an attention span of about 8 seconds, partly the result of the constant media bombardment that we endure on a regular basis. Compare this with the attention of a goldfish—9 seconds.

the hand of God

When was the last time you traced the hand of God in your life? Some might choose their birthday to reflect on God’s work in their life, others might select the dawn of a new year.

In 2 Samuel 22 and 23:1-7, we read the inspired reflections of King David at the end of his reign as Israel’s king. Together,…

tuition nation

According to a study conducted by a local newspaper in Singapore, 97 out of 100 students polled have private tutors or receive supplemental training at academic centers. So common are these practices that Singapore has been called the “tuition nation.”

Academic education is important, but I wonder, Is equal—if not greater—attention given to instructing our children to become men and…

how soon we forget

The New Testament records the day Jesus fed 4,000- plus people with only seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. That’s some serious sushi! For 3 days, droves of people brought their sick and crippled to the Savior for healing (Matthew 15:29-31). When they ran out of food, Jesus pulled His disciples aside and pointed out the situation.…

remember our manna

We’ve been gone from South Carolina only for a year, but our boys have already begun to forget. A couple of weeks ago, we took a trip to our old town. We drove through our neighborhood and saw the steep hill where they rode their bikes, screaming all the way down. We saw the spot where we always stopped on…

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