Tag  |  profanity

swearing not to swear

A private high school has instituted a “no foul language” pledge—only to female students. According to the school’s principal, the girls had been using the foulest language. (Hmm, I’m guessing the boys were guilty too!) So they were asked to raise their right hands and say: “I do solemnly swear not to use profanities of any kind within the walls and properties of Queen of Peace High School.” So, in essence, the students swore not to swear (to speak profanity).

God’s name

A colleague discovered that her name was used on a website to attract people to attend a Bible seminar. But she hadn’t actually been invited to be the speaker. Immediately, she took action to investigate the matter. Could this be a case of identity theft?

language of the heart

I’m more impressed by works than by words, which I often gloss over as nothing more than hot air. I’ve said, “Talk is cheap!” and “Don’t talk the talk if you won’t walk the walk.” According to the apostle James we’re right to value works over mere words. He reminds us that it does no good to tell a poor…

new way of talking

Recently, a woman had oral surgery and awoke from the procedure with one alteration she wasn’t expecting. The work on her mouth went well, but the words that came out of her mouth sounded strange. Her Northwestern US tone had been replaced by an accent straight out of Transylvania. Her condition? Foreign accent syndrome—a neurological condition that has been documented just…

have you had enough?

A 2008 Barna Group survey asked adults what immoral behaviors they had engaged in during the past week. Of those surveyed: 28 percent had used profanity, 20 percent had gambled, 19 percent had viewed pornography, 12 percent had gossiped, 12 percent had gotten drunk, 11 percent had lied, 9 percent had sex outside of marriage.

The survey also revealed devastating…

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