Tag  |  politics

Passing By

During a political election year, a tow truck driver was called to assist a woman who was stranded with a broken-down vehicle. But the truck driver, upon seeing a bumper sticker on the car for a candidate he disliked, informed the motorist that he wouldn’t help her and drove away. His actions remind me how we sometimes choose to ignore those who need our help.

March 4, 2013

How should you approach discussing issues with other believers in Jesus who do not hold your political views?

September 24, 2012

What have you found is the best way to maintain peace (Ephesians 4:3) with believers in Jesus who hold opposing political views?

in defense of love

Throughout much of 2011, Greece experienced unrest as round after round of austerity measures were passed, reducing pension payments and slashing worker benefits. Listening to interviews on the BBC, I heard shopkeepers and laborers speak of the gloom they felt about their future. Some were angry. Some were resigned. Everyone felt hopeless. Protests escalated. The government convulsed. Greeks expressed anger…

no other god

In his fascinating book, Modes of Faith, Theodore Ziolkowski reviews the lives of 19th-century European writers who had lost faith in God. What Ziolkowski finds is this: While these authors had dismissed the God of the Bible, another ‘god’ had soon taken His place.

Ziolkowski found five “gods” to be most attractive to these men and their readers. Art was raised…

too big to fail

Jerry terHorst resigned as US Press Secretary when his friend President Gerald Ford pardoned disgraced former President Richard Nixon. He told Ford that he didn’t know how he could “credibly defend” the President’s decision to pardon Nixon when common citizens were being punished for conscientiously refusing to serve in the Vietnam War. For his part, President Ford did not want…


A "freecycler" resists the consumer culture and pursues a lifestyle outside of prevailing economic systems. One freecycling practice is dumpster diving—foraging in garbage bins for food. One regular diver, Rebecca, has a career and financial resources (and even an art piece hanging in the Seattle Art Museum); but still, 99 percent of her groceries come from dumpsters. She limits her…

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