Tag  |  peer pressure


Cyclist Tyler Hamilton had steadily advanced through the ranks of the US Postal Service team, and now he was on the verge of being included on the squad that would race in the Tour de France. All he had to do was take EPO, an illegal drug that boosted endurance for the grueling mountain climbs. Hamilton told the team doctor…

everybody’s doing it

When I joined a popular social media network, it was thrilling to reconnect with friends. We swapped messages and fortified our cyber- connection by joining each other’s causes, comparing quiz results, and exchanging virtual hugs. After a while, I felt the pressure of staying plugged into the website so that I could respond to each message.

Going along with the…

the evil of inertia

The Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, supplies a stark reminder of how evil humans can be. I was stunned by the hall of shoes that had once been worn by doomed Jews; the story of the methodical elimination of innocents in Krakow’s Jewish Ghetto; and the grisly death of prisoners in Hitler’s concentration camps.

But most chilling was my recognition…


A "freecycler" resists the consumer culture and pursues a lifestyle outside of prevailing economic systems. One freecycling practice is dumpster diving—foraging in garbage bins for food. One regular diver, Rebecca, has a career and financial resources (and even an art piece hanging in the Seattle Art Museum); but still, 99 percent of her groceries come from dumpsters. She limits her…

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