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Mixed Bag

My pastor sat down in my church office and told me about a parishioner he had encountered years ago at another church. The woman, known for her criticism, felt that he did nothing right, and she shared those sentiments with others. His sermons weren’t the kind of preaching she liked. At best, she said, they were “mediocre.” She even asked him why he didn’t preach like some of the ministers on TV. When he met to talk with her about her criticisms, she didn’t back down. But even with all of the venom he received from the woman, my pastor could say to me, “There were many wonderful things she did for the church. We’re all mixed bags, Marlena, all mixed bags. Just remember that.”

a good worker

Do you think God views you as a good worker? This is a difficult question to answer. Some of us feel that we could never be good enough to deserve such a commendation; others confess that seeking His approval is not exactly our priority. Moreover, it’s easy to be unduly modest or self-deceptively positive. So, how do we even begin to assess ourselves correctly?

multi-hat syndrome

A pastor recently listed 36 different “hats” he might wear. The roles included community activist, theologian, financial advisor, and life coach. These roles evolved from the different needs of churchgoers. While it’s important for all of us to respond to others’ needs, if the demands consume us, we may begin to serve people instead of serving God.

knowing our place

I recently read of a man who started a church and saw it grow and flourish over the years. But unlike some pastors whose fingers have to be pried from the pulpit, this man began grooming a younger man to take over his church. Why? Because he felt God was calling him to do so. And, at just 51 years old, this healthy, dynamic pastor humbly moved on as his 30-year-old protégé took his place.

May 20, 2013

What encouraging words from a pastor, teacher, or mentor proved to be life-changing for you? Why?

you choose Q: what does the Bible say about the roles of the pastor and the congregation?

Q: What does the Bible say about the roles of the pastor and the congregation in the church?  —Freddie

A: The clearest explanation is found in Ephesians 4:11-16, where Paul says that Jesus has gifted his church with various leaders—including “pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body…

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