Tag  |  passivity

on solid ground

In the film High Fidelity, a character named Rob Gordon lamented his history of passivity. “I guess it made more sense to commit to nothing, keep my options open” he said. “And that’s suicide by tiny, tiny increments.”

you’re at war!

Neville Chamberlain was duped during World War II. As Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, he appeased Hitler and acquiesced to his demands. Chamberlain believed Hitler was a man of peace who would simply be satisfied with regaining lands that once were part of Germany.

stand up

Evil doesn’t need numbers. History’s most horrific acts were committed by only a handful of perpetrators. These agents of evil didn’t persuade others to join in their sin; they only convinced them to go along. Most Germans didn’t hunt down and kill Jews, but they allowed their government to do it. Most Americans didn’t own slaves, but they permitted their neighbors to do so. Evil simply needs a silent majority who see what is happening and do nothing.

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