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God’s name

A colleague discovered that her name was used on a website to attract people to attend a Bible seminar. But she hadn’t actually been invited to be the speaker. Immediately, she took action to investigate the matter. Could this be a case of identity theft?

new name, new life?

Each year, thousands of people change their names. Some of these changes reflect a deep desire for a new life. “I changed my name and it changed me,” wrote singer Alina Simone in The New York Times. “When I think back to my old self, I think of an entirely different person, not altogether likable,” she reflects. That old person, Alina Vilenkin, was put aside. Alina Simone formed a band, tried new things, and poured her “best self” into her new name.

what will your story be?

"A good name is better than a good ointment, and the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth" (Ecclesiastes 7:1).

I read this today during my quiet time with God. As I read it, the power of this verse hit me in a special way. Here's why . . .

As I was walking through…

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