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On all fours with the grass pressing into my hands and knees, I was already backing out of my goal. I had recently enlisted the help of a friend to improve my muscle strength and endurance. On this particular night, we were at a local park doing conditioning exercises and cardio. While my legs were completing the lifting exercises to strengthen my muscles, my mind desperately looked for a way out of having to run the last lap of our workout. I was convinced I had nothing left.

no different?

Conned out of a large sum of money by a business partner, who claimed to be deacon in a church, my friend’s anger and disenchantment ran deep. He said, “How can a Christian do this kind of thing? I trusted him. Now I know he’s no different from a non-Christian!”


In the movie Limitless, actor Bradley Cooper plays Eddie Morra—a lazy, unkempt man with little going for him. Morra’s life takes a radical turn, however, when he’s given the drug “NZT” that enables him to access 100 percent of his brain. While on NZT, the former sloth has unbridled abilities, allowing him to rake in money, success, and women.


be renewed

Ephesians 4:20-24: Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from Him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.

As we…


“We just witnessed a stunning, daring bit of TV storytelling that set the show on a new, series-ending path—one that will track the characters through parallel, alternate universes,” wrote USA Today’s Robert Bianco following the 2-hour premiere of the last season of Lost.

“We are now following two versions of their lives. “That’s no easy task to pull off,” Bianco insisted.…

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