Tag  |  memorization

temptations we face

This is the last snack I’m going to eat today, you tell yourself. Then 5 minutes later you’re looking for another one! Michael Moss, in his book Salt Sugar Fat, reveals how food companies study ways to “help” people crave junk food. Some of the food industry’s biggest names hire “crave consultants” to determine people’s “bliss points”—the conditions when food companies can optimize consumers’ cravings. One popular company spends $30 million a year to determine the bliss points of consumers.

voice and verse

Occasionally, my mother’s voice invades my day—from inside my head. I can still hear her say, “Try not to borrow trouble from tomorrow,” and even “Remember to take a jacket.” Sometimes her tone and words come skidding out of my mouth when I’m disciplining my kids! At other times—thankfully—Bible verses occur to me as she would say them. She could (and still can) recite Scripture with as much certainty as I can say my name and address.

massive temptation

I was driving down a busy road when an 8-foot ice- cream cone approached in the oncoming traffic lane and then sailed past me. I blinked and checked my rearview mirror. The towering tribute to mint chocolate chip, an advertisement for a local restaurant, definitely tempted my sweet tooth!

No stranger to temptation, Jesus challenged His followers to stay alert…

being civil

It seems our society has become increasingly divided and polarized,” writes Mark DeMoss, president of The DeMoss Group, and former (unpaid) adviser to US Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. “Every week we are treated to scenes of bitter fighting, protests turning to violence and vandalism, name-calling, and personal attacks. Important debates are no longer fought ideas and words, but with shouting…

pure work

I was 16 when I first discovered The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer. I re-read it recently and my soul was refreshed in a new way. Oh, how I wish I could write like Tozer, with such depth of insight and deft use of words!

Tozer entered the ministry without high school or college education. He trained himself over…

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