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widows and children

Widows were the epitome of the destitute and desperate in ancient Jewish society. In his gospel, Luke often wrote of widows and their journeys of faith: the prophetess Anna who saw the newborn Messiah (Luke 2:36-38); the widow of Zarephath who ministered to Elijah (Luke 4:26; 1 Kings 17:18-19); the widow of Nain whose only son was raised from the dead by Jesus (Luke 7:11-15); and the poor widow who gave two small copper coins (Luke 21:1-4). Luke also records Jesus telling a parable about a persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8), encouraging His listeners “to always pray and never give up” (Luke 18:1).

modern priests

"I’m very clear about what my role and purpose is,” Oprah Winfrey once told an interviewer. “I am the messenger to deliver the message of redemption, of hope, of forgiveness, of gratitude, of evolving people to the best of themselves.” Often described as the high priestess of religion-less spirituality, Oprah could resemble a preacher on her TV show. To many…

through the Son

Paul Borthwick was boarding a plane when he saw former US President Gerald Ford being escorted by two dark-suited men. Paul wanted to meet him, but he wondered: “Why would he want to meet me?” Then he recalled having met Ford’s son Mike, when he was in seminary. So he boldly approached the former world leader just before the Secret…


As a mom, I frequently have the opportunity to serve in high-risk negotiations in the prevention of “hostile takeovers.” Nearly 3 years apart, my children are as different as night and day. Though things can change at any given moment, they often play very well together. But when they disagree, it usually takes a third party for them to see…

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