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Eager To Listen

A young boy and his stepdad had trouble connecting with each other due to the fact that they were complete opposites. The man was outgoing; the boy was reserved. The man loved to get up early to fish; the youngster loved to sleep in and play video games all day.


I have recently noticed that I am adept at a skill that should not be celebrated. I pretend to listen. Whether it’s a loss of focus because we’re planning what to say next in a heated debate or the random derailed train of thought amidst a casual conversation, I doubt that I’m the only one who excels in this gifting. Sometimes, realizing I have no idea what has been said, I will listen more carefully in the hopes of covering my lack of attention; other times, I simply tell on myself because I have no idea where the conversation has been.

listening walk

One day my son Alex and I took a “listening walk” around our neighborhood. We circled the block in silence and then settled on the front step of our house to name the sounds we heard. I mentioned geese honking and the scuffing of our shoes on the sidewalk. Alex talked about a car horn, the grinding of garbage trucks retrieving trash, and an airplane’s engine overhead.

shut up!

I'm re-reading a great book by David Nasser titled Glory Revealed.  In it is this statement from him: "Never miss an opportunity to shut up."
I posted this on Facebook and asked for comments.  Here are a few of them. . .
"Always heard that God gave us one mouth and TWO ears for a reason."
"Our willingness to to truly listen demonstrates love. …


Spam email. It’s the frustrating downside of being able to send an instant letter anywhere in the world. I’ve grown somewhat accustomed to the high rate of spam that enters my published email address, and a series of carefully constructed filters helps to skim off any offensive ones. I found it a little humorous, though, when my school email account—which…

too great for words

The pot roast was still steaming in the pan as I arranged carrots, onions, and potatoes around its perimeter and then ladled broth over the whole creation. I nestled it into a basket along with some bread, fruit salad, and cookies for dessert. The meal was for a family in our church that was grieving a deeply painful loss. My…

hearing God

One of the world’s finest violinists performed Bach and Schubert in a subway, and over a thousand commuters hurried right on by. Some wore ear buds or chatted loudly into their cell phones while others were rushing too fast to pause for Joshua Bell’s unexpected treat. Many people did stop for lottery tickets, but even as they waited in line,…

hearing or listening

"For 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell…


Our youngest son, Seth, is 5, and about the only time I’ve seen him still for more than a minute or two is when he’s asleep. He’s constantly moving, spinning, jumping, running in circles, doing cartwheels and handstands, or diving off something. Last week, Seth sat on his pillow and flung himself down our stairs—riding the soft cushion like a…

listen first

Former US President Franklin Roosevelt was not a fan of the long receiving lines he often endured at the White House. He complained that no one really paid any attention to what was said during the greet-fests. One day, he decided to try an experiment. To each person who came through the line to shake his hand, he murmured, “I…


The longing to be heard by God, our friends, our relatives, and our colleagues is a desire that has dwelt within men and women since the beginning of time. As the psalmist wrote, "Answer me when I call to You, O God who declares me innocent. Free me from my troubles. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer" (Psalm…

on the loose

Imagine this. You're hanging out at home when a bull blasts through the back door, crashes into the kitchen, hurtles down the hallway, and then rockets around the living room. That happened to a family in Aachen, Germany. Before the homeowner finally opened the front door and allowed it to escape, the bull had caused more than $16,000 in damage.…

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