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As a Christian radio host, I occasionally get to ask songwriters and musicians about the writing process that leads to the creation of their music. These worshipers often refer to a specific event that became the inspiration for a particular song. Then when I hear the track, I’m reminded of the story behind the lyrics. Just as these songs contain reminders of an individual’s journey, so do poems, blogs, paintings, and social media updates. They all serve as ways we can remind ourselves and others of the provision, deliverance, and presence of God.

joy in the journey

The announcement of a family road trip is the quickest way to get our eager 6-year-old twins packed and in the car. As we drive down our road, around the corner and onto the highway, however, the standard travel refrain is soon heard from the little voices in the backseat: “Are we there yet?” It’s a question that’s often repeated, and although as parents we might tire of it, the children never contemplate giving up on the journey and heading home. They might get impatient, but they want to press on to reach the destination.

live prepared

On a recent family trip to the mountains, we were driving late at night through thickly wooded areas. A small bright gleam to the left captured our attention, and my husband quickly slowed the car as two deer leaped across our path. We took that teachable moment to explain to our kids the power of peripheral vision—giving them insight to use one day when they’re behind the wheel.

every life is a unique journey

As I read through the hundreds of emails from visitors to my website, I am reminded of the diversity and uniqueness of our individual journey’s and experiences, and yet I also marvel at the similarities of the human issues we all face.

How we respond and react to those individual challenges and circumstances in many ways defines who we are.…

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