Tag  |  Jesus’ blood

clean conscience

According to a 2008 character survey of nearly 30,000 high school students, 64 percent of them said they had cheated on a test in the past year, 30 percent had stolen from a store, 42 percent said they would lie to save money, and 83 percent said they had lied to their parents about something significant. One of the more interesting findings of the survey was that 93 percent of the students surveyed said they were satisfied with their personal ethics and character. These students seem to have a clear case of what the Bible calls a “corrupted” conscience (Titus 1:15).

jars of water

It’s cool to see believers in Jesus who reflect His cleansing ways. The band Jars of Clay is a good example. In 2003, they founded a charitable organization called Blood: Water Mission. The goal of Blood: Water is to bring clean water to 1,000 communities in Africa.

By late 2009 they had seen more than 600 communities transformed by fresh…

the slaughter of the lambs

If someone were to tell me to slaughter a lamb and splash its blood on the doorframes of my house, I would be appalled. The wasting of an animal's life and defacement of my property are two reasons why I wouldn't want to do it. So why would God tell an entire nation of some 2 million people to do…

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