Tag  |  influence

Gifts from God

Police were sent to a home in response to a report of domestic child abuse. When they arrived at the house, they found a scared four-year-old girl with a black eye, swollen cheek, and bruises covering a majority of her tiny frame. The officers were devastated when they asked her to say her name and she meekly replied, “Idiot.”

great expectations

Most of us have an innate desire to help others. We work overtime to ensure that the company meets an important deadline. The sound engineer makes sure the new church sound system is ready for the Sunday service. A young man loses his job and his father offers to pay his rent. These stories remind us that we occasionally underestimate our influence. In contrast, we can also use our positions or authority to negatively impact those who love and respect us—sometimes even inadvertently.

not mine

My husband and I believe that the most influential people in a child’s life are his or her parents. But we wonder at times if our parenting decisions are having the impact we hoped for. Now that our kids are adolescents, friendships no longer consist of playing with toys and learning to share. Likewise, because they’re not always within sight, our kids have more experiences on their own than when they were younger. These days, instead of searching for a lesson to deposit in their hearts and minds (Proverbs 3:1), I find myself looking for a place to kneel and pray for them.


Not all influence is the same. A piece of coal and a diamond vastly differ in their make-up and value, though both contain carbon. Coal’s stubborn, black residue marks anything it touches. A diamond, though stronger and more costly, doesn’t transfer its brilliance. Carry a bag of coal or a bag of diamonds, and the lesson is visible—only one influences by proximity.


Because we had moved before, I didn’t consider it unusual when my dad decided to find another position and relocate us to a new city. Just 12 years old, I hated leaving the friends and life I knew, but I accepted the idea that God was calling us to something new. I didn’t know the real reason for our departure until years later. With many aware of his infidelity, our lead pastor had been engaged in a long-term adulterous affair. In good conscience, my dad, an associate pastor, could no longer remain.

human chameleon

Chinese performance artist Liu Bolin is known as “the invisible man” or “the human chameleon” because he blends himself into his surroundings. To do this, he covers his entire body in paint which perfectly matches his chosen backdrop. Liu has painted himself into real-life scenes which include graphitized walls, supermarket shelves, and even telephone booths.

the little people

They had gathered on the lush, rolling slopes to hear Him. And He stood there on the hill, looking into the eyes of as many of them as He could.

go, influence

If you’re a believer in Jesus, you’re called to influence society. Jesus not only calls you to be His friend (John 15:15), but also to be His salt and His light (Matthew 5:13-14).

Salt is well known for two popular uses. We use it as an additive to enhance flavor (think of the saltshaker on your kitchen table), and as…

village superman

The residents of Calamba City, Philippines, have dubbed Herbert Chavez “the village superman.” Chavez earned this title by undergoing multiple surgeries to make his face and body resemble the famous superhero. He has even considered implanting metal in his legs to make him taller like Superman. While Chavez’s devotion to his hero seems extreme, many would agree, he did pick…

everybody’s doing it

When I joined a popular social media network, it was thrilling to reconnect with friends. We swapped messages and fortified our cyber- connection by joining each other’s causes, comparing quiz results, and exchanging virtual hugs. After a while, I felt the pressure of staying plugged into the website so that I could respond to each message.

Going along with the…

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