Tag  |  impurity

no different?

Conned out of a large sum of money by a business partner, who claimed to be deacon in a church, my friend’s anger and disenchantment ran deep. He said, “How can a Christian do this kind of thing? I trusted him. Now I know he’s no different from a non-Christian!”

sin management

We once lived across the road from Aman Nature Park, which was wonderful—except for the raccoons. Oh sure, they’re fascinating creatures. But the masklike band of black across their eyes should have alerted us to one vital detail: Raccoons are felons in fur. And the scene of the crime was our yard.

When we suspected raccoons of being responsible for…

online attention

If you’re reading this devo online, in a few minutes you might move on to other websites. As you do, pay attention to what grabs your attention. What pics or words prompt you to pause for a second look? What links do you click on, and why?

When Jesus said the eye is the lamp of the body (Matthew 6:22),…

keeping it clean

Genesis 26:18: He reopened the wells his father had dug, which the Philistines had filled in after Abraham’s death. Isaac also restored the names Abraham had given them.

We live in a subdivision that has a pond for the homeowners to enjoy. Periodically, the Property Owners Association has to hire someone to come with a piece of earth moving equipment…

not a hint

"You know, I’m really, really happy that I chose to sleep around while I was in my teens and twenties.” “Pornography has made my marriage so much better.” “Letting my lust run wild has really drawn me closer to God.”

Okay, I’ve never heard someone say anything even remotely close to these statements. After having counseled many individuals and couples…

even in the dark

Joining the rash of reality television shows in the United States, Dating in the Dark hit the airwaves last summer. Each week, three guys and three girls got together for a week of dates—in a darkened room. They all made the rounds, talking and sharing meals as couples. But they never actually saw what one another looked like. At the end…

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