Tag  |  hypocrisy

hypocrisy & idolatry

This morning in my Bible reading I read in Romans where it is talking about hypocrites. This is something that always hits me. I never, ever want to be a hypocrite. I want to practice what I preach.

“You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You…

can you relate?

Recently, I went to great lengths to help a friend. My efforts cost me significant time, money, and energy. And what did I get in return when it was all said and done? Nothing. Not even a “thank you.”

My stewing over this person’s lack of gratitude came to an abrupt halt, however, when I discovered a stack of blank…


Several years ago, I discovered our son Seth sitting in our comfy khaki chair with a theology book in hand. He held the book in front of him, staring at the pages. He would not be distracted. It was quite serious; he was reading. Mind you, Seth was 2 years old.

I can’t imagine what Seth believed he was “reading.”…

religious heels

The language student impressed the instructor with her academic diligence. But when the class went on a field trip for some cultural training, he didn’t even recognize her. The reason? In class, she concealed 6-inch heels beneath her pants. In her comfortable walking boots, she didn’t even reach 5 feet tall. “My heels are how I want to be,” she…

acceptable sins

Recently, I read the story of a husband and wife who walked out of a movie theater partway through the film Milk. Both were disgusted after seeing actor Sean Penn, portraying former homosexual politician Harvey Milk, kiss another man. So they approached the box office attendant and demanded a refund. The attendant suggested they swap their tickets for a film…

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