Tag  |  hurried

the Lord is my Pacesetter

The year 2013 had hardly begun before I felt as if I needed a vacation. A house renovation, a book launch, a trip to Ethiopia, and two speaking trips to Australia had left the year with little free space. In the midst of the busyness, I picked up a book one night and found this delightful paraphrase of Psalm 23:1-6 by Japanese poet Toki Miyashina:

the question

Here’s something you will never read in an obituary: “Susan Abernathy is survived by Harold, her husband of 47 years, three children, and six grandchildren. Susan was treasurer of the West Kalloon Realtor’s Association, director of numerous Vacation Bible Schools, and finished the human race in 823rd place.

never in a hurry

Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.” I wish I could make these words of John Wesley my own. Most days for me are full, with numerous duties, deadlines, phone calls, e-mails, plans, and diary items to act on. Many times that peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7) is pushed aside by busy thoughts and…

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