Tag  |  heartache

learning joy

My high school trigonometry book was the size and heft of two bricks placed side-by-side. I can still see its cover—cherry red with black lettering. I probably damaged my posture by hunching over that textbook for hours at a time—reviewing concepts late into the night. Still, I struggled to understand trigonometry’s sliced-up circles, cosines, and square roots.

Spiritually speaking, there’s…


Sometimes life holds moments—and even needs— too deep for words. Not all silence comes from a desire to hide or pretend we’ve got life together. The reasons may be varied: Perhaps we feel the need to keep a rightful confidence or find that speaking puts another’s reputation at unnecessary risk. Other times, we fail to find sufficient wording to express…

safety net

A friend of mine bought a trampoline for his young boys. After he had assembled it, his sons excitedly begged him to let them give it try. He reluctantly let them climb onto it but told them to be careful because he hadn’t installed the safety net around the trampoline. So his boys cautiously crept to the middle of the…

personal and present

If there ever was a person who had the right to ask, “Why me?” it was Joan Brock. As a young wife and mother, Joan went completely blind in a span of just 3 short weeks. If that wasn’t hard enough, 5 years later, her husband died of a rare form of cancer.

As Joan began to speak publicly about…

tender talk

Sheryl Crow gets it—at least when it comes to loneliness. Many of her song lyrics express our longing for relationships and the questions that bubble to the surface when we live in isolation for too long. Does anybody want me? Does anybody need me? What will I do if the answer is “no”?

For Hagar, the answer was no, and…

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