Tag  |  government

good Christian, bad citizen?

As a conquered people, the Jews were heavily taxed by the Romans. The annual poll tax of one denarius (a day’s salary for a common laborer), was most hated—not because of its amount, but because it was a shameful reminder that they were a subjugated people. This tax had to be paid with a Roman coin that bore images of…

fit for a king?

Singapore is a democratic state. It was a British colony for 150 years and had a string of kings and queens during that time period. But now democracy rules the day!

In 1 Samuel 8 we find the people of Israel demanding a king (see also 1 Samuel 10:17-19, 12:6-18).

Why did they want a royal ruler? At first glance…

pray to God for caesar

The Roman emperors demanded that their citizens demonstrate allegiance by kneeling before their image, pinching a bit of incense, and declaring, “Caesar is Lord.” Tertullian, a writer in the early church, would have none of it. He told the emperor that Christians would not pray to him as if he were a god but instead would pray to God for…

who do you trust?

Our world is suffering from a crisis of authority. The grown-ups in charge seem to be either incompetent or evil or both. Bankers and traders so ruined the world’s financial system that economists still aren’t sure how to fix it. Leaders of governments have become politicians, delivering long-term pain for short-term gain in order to win enough votes and stay…

respectful disobedience?

The ongoing violence in Iran, following the disputed reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is a sad reminder of the importance of godly leadership and governance. We, as believers in Jesus, are called to respect our government and those in authority over us (Romans 13:1-7). This includes honoring the positions of our leaders and obeying laws that are just.hmd_5630

But should we…

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