Tag  |  goodness


Almost everyone loves to hear stories of God “showing up.” We feel trapped by circumstances, we pray in desperation, and a providential answer arrives just in time. We know it’s God, and it’s easy to praise Him—for a while.

faith at the finish

She burned down her house and lives off the land in Africa. Her name is Jja Ja Nakibuuka. Leprosy has claimed her fingers and toes. She owns nothing, so children sometimes offer her food and small presents. When she greets the children and their mothers, Jja Ja Nakibuuka always says the same thing: “God is good, and He is coming back.”

like a tree . . . continually


—copy and design submitted by Terry and Pat Lampel, US

saying goodbye

Today I told my friend Jen goodbye. Having met her a year ago, I liked her from the first time I interviewed her for a teaching position in our department. I soon realized we were twins born 8 years apart—she too keeps bananas in her freezer forever and has a sensitive heart. Witty, bright, strong—and unafraid to cry—Jen embraces life with passion. I’ll miss her dearly as she begins a new life with her husband in a different city and state. As unexpectedly as our paths crossed, they now divide.

Shepherd in the shadows

A fretful parishioner once came to a famous preacher’s office, feeling disturbed and frightened. “Two men are following me everywhere I go,” she said. Because he was aware of the woman’s overactive imagination, the preacher said kindly, “Oh, I know exactly who these men are.” “Who?” she asked. “They are goodness and mercy,” he replied.

in the shadows

I know a couple who have just had their third miscarriage. In two of those painful losses, they’ve held a perfectly formed, lifeless little body in their hands. While there’s much light in this world—beauty, goodness, joy—there are also the shadows of sadness, evil, and suffering.

exploding misconceptions

How do you help people understand who Jesus truly is? How do you break through the half-truths and misconceptions?

no fish story

Why is God so big on judgment? Perhaps a better question is: Why is God so patient with us?

bwana asifiwe!

Bwana asifiwe!” is Swahili for Praise the Lord! As I traveled from the dry place of Tala to the slums of Kawangare to the densely populated and dangerous ghetto of Korogocho in Kenya, this is the way every believer greeted me.

history’s steady tune

George Jellinek, former host of The Vocal Scene radio program, says “the history of a people is found in its songs.” Years ago, music was a crucial way for slaves in the US to recount their stories, and music was central to the way the Civil Rights movement retold its vision. If you want to know a culture or its people, you have to know the music they used to pass along their stories. This is how the people in ancient Israel used the Psalms—their stories and prayers helped them to remember God, particularly in the long years when God was silent.

go, influence

If you’re a believer in Jesus, you’re called to influence society. Jesus not only calls you to be His friend (John 15:15), but also to be His salt and His light (Matthew 5:13-14).

Salt is well known for two popular uses. We use it as an additive to enhance flavor (think of the saltshaker on your kitchen table), and as…


Nell and Jim were hiking in a park when a mountain lion ambushed them, attacking Jim. His wife Nell tried stabbing the animal with a pen. When that didn’t work, she beat the lion with a log until it backed off completely!

Most of us will never have to fight off a wild beast, but we may need to defend…

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