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In 2012, Encyclopedia Britannica declared that information has been changing so rapidly that their encyclopedias were quickly outdated. So instead of focusing on physical books, they’ve made the decision to focus on digital editions. “A printed encyclopedia is obsolete the minute that you print it,” said the president of Encyclopedia Britannica. “Whereas our online edition is updated continuously.”

woof, woof

An Old Testament proverb says, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness” (Proverbs 26:11). And I’ll be the first to say, “Woof, woof.” More times than I care to admit, I foolishly feast on my own sinful puke—figuratively speaking. And it always leaves me (and others) feeling sick in the stomach.

What’s the deal? Why…

say "L" for love

Most moms scold their kids for sticking their tongues out, but not me. I encouraged my son to do this when I was teaching him how to pronounce the letter “L.” Like many toddlers, every time he tried to make the “L” sound, it came out sounding like a “W.” Although my heart melted every time he said, “I wuv…

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