Tag  |  fools

“there’s probably no God”

In February 2009, an atheist group in the UK purchased ad space on the side of 800 buses as well as 1,000 posters on London’s trains that read, “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” A Christian group, the Trinitarian Bible Society, responded by launching a rival ad campaign splashing a Bible verse, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 53:1” (KJV)—along with details on how to obtain a Bible—on 183 buses in London.

the real boss

While getting ready for bed one evening at our home in Uganda, my 9-year-old son said, “Mommy, the man who fights is the boss. The man who doesn’t fight is the real boss!”

look up

Try this: Take your friend to a beach or a park, blindfold him, and tell him to walk in a straight line. Nobody can do it, at least not for long. One scientist explains why: “Humans, apparently, slip into circles when we can’t see an external focal point—like a mountaintop, a sun, a moon. Without a corrective, our insides take…

fooling ourselves

Last year, a bizarre TV game show began airing in France. Contestants were given questions and all went well if they answered correctly. But a wrong answer proved to be deadly. For the erring contestants were then commanded to throw a switch that appeared to force another contestant—strapped in the “hot seat”—to endure a lethal 420 volts of electricity. This…

counterfeit faith

After waiting in line at a local store, it was finally my turn to pay. The clerk took my money, held the bill up to the light and then disappeared to confer with her manager. When she returned, she explained that the store had recently received several counterfeit bills. Then she looked at me and added, “You don’t look like…

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