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Fathers Day 2013

F for Fervently

However long or much it takes,

either in time, efforts or money,

however many wrongs dad makes,

he still performs his tasks FERVENTLY.

A for Abiding And Asserting

Abiding always in God’s Word

By being fruitful, and not absurd.

ASSERTING godly values on the meek and bold,

dad is never too young, too busy or too old.

T for Through Trials

By God’s surmounting strength, love and grace,


boys to men

Studies of children who grow up in fatherless homes reveal that they often face major challenges in life. The statistics are alarming: Youths who grow up in fatherless homes are twice as likely to end up in jail as those who come from traditional two-parent families. Eighty-five percent of children who exhibit behavioral disorders and 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. Ninety percent of homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes—32 times the average!

new kind of father

Many people struggle in their daily life due to a poor relationship with their earthly fathers. I’ve counseled some who tend to humanize and view God through the lens of their negative experience. Many believers in Jesus also get tripped up in their relationship with their heavenly Father. If their earthly dads have failed them, it’s hard for them to believe that God won’t do the same.

Jesus’ Father

I was recently reading through the book of John when my eyes fell on these words: “I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God” (John 20:17). This is the amazing declaration Jesus made to Mary Magdalene, just moments after she came to the stunning realization that He had risen from the dead.

8d dad

What great joy to have a father

to honor, uphold, and treasure

before he leaves us forever

and we mourn him beyond measure.

1st D : Dedicated

Dad’s dedication,

to resilient fatherhood

is without question,

always for the greater good.

2nd D : Disciplined

By using a bit more discipline,

dad has succeeded in bringing me thus far;

by using a lot more discipline,

he and I shine brighter than the brightest star.


mothers and fathers

Not long ago, I was drawn into a spirited discussion about the parenting concerns of mothers and fathers: Mothers tend to worry about their child’s safety; fathers focus on their child’s success. A mother is concerned that her child be loved, while fathers push their children hard in a world where failure is easy and success is difficult.

The Thessalonian…

remembering fathers - father's day 2011


Born as Ewe Haw with a quaint curl,

at Penang Free School, he studied;

baptized at marriage as Michael,

excel in insurance he did.


When at seventy four, dad died,

it was Friday, almost midnight,

twenty eleven, April fifteenth—

linked to three machines, he was seen.


For three days and two nights, the wake lasted,

at Batu Gantong, dad was cremated.

His remains emptied from the boat into the sea,


oscar for fathers

James Cameron, of Avatar and Titanic fame, has reportedly said, “Anybody can be a father or a husband. There are only five people in the world who can do what I do, and I’m going for that.”

It isn’t only Hollywood directors who succumb to the siren song of success. Clergymen also put ministry ahead of family. And even King David committed…

the embrace of God

Adrian Edwards was separated from his parents as a toddler, passed along from institution to foster home, and introduced to a life of crime at a young age. As a teenager, he was convicted of armed robbery and spent time in Western Australia’s Fremantle jail. There, in a strange twist of fate, he met his father who was serving time…

breaking the cycle

My father grew up without a dad. When he was 5 years old, his father left the family and never returned. When friends later asked my grandfather whether he was related to my dad, he refused to admit that my dad was his son—disowning and declaring him to be a distant relative.

By most accounts, I also should have grown…

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