Tag  |  doubts

was it worth it?

In the movie Field of Dreams, miraculous things start to happen after Ray Kinsella builds a baseball field in the middle of his Iowa cornfield. One by one, major league baseball players from years past begin miraculously emerging from the surrounding cornstalks and begin to “play ball.”

on the fence

Picture a car perched atop a metal fence—the front end on one side and the back bumper on the other side. Law enforcement agents discovered this unlikely scene when they foiled an attempt by smugglers to cross the US border from Mexico illegally. Two men had driven up ramps to the top of the 14-foot fence, and hoped to drive the car down the same way to their desired destination. When the border agents arrived on the scene, the men fled.

you choose Q: how can I know I'm saved?

Q: I was born in a Christian family, my parents served God. I attended many meetings and answered many altar calls, confessed my sins many times, accepted Christ many times. I don't no whether I’ve sincerely prayed and am convicted—still lacking the assurance of salvation. I face nagging doubts. It almost drives me off. I don't really understand how to…

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