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October 6, 2014

What does the saying, “In the essentials, unity, in the nonessentials, liberty, in all things, charity” mean to you as you consider the Body of Christ?


Spam email. It’s the frustrating downside of being able to send an instant letter anywhere in the world. I’ve grown somewhat accustomed to the high rate of spam that enters my published email address, and a series of carefully constructed filters helps to skim off any offensive ones. I found it a little humorous, though, when my school email account—which…

don't give up

Are you feeling weary, discouraged, weak, or disillusioned in serving God? Well, you’re not alone. That’s where Timothy is when we read 2 Timothy:1-4 and that’s where all of us are some of the time and where some of us are most of the time. When one is involved in the noble fight for the souls of men—going up against…

worth it

Racing along the beach as the moonlight hits the water, I dash toward the figure running toward me. I have a pile of papers to grade, a house in desperate need of attention, and a writing deadline to complete in less than 48 hours, and here I am running through the sand and trying to guard my team’s home base.…

handling disappointment

You’re having a Bible study with someone, and they say, “I simply don’t believe in Jesus.” Or perhaps you discover that a young person you’ve been discipling is having premarital sex. And you wonder: Have I done something wrong? Have I failed in my efforts to teach God’s Word?

Ministering to people can lead to heartache. Yet Paul exhorted Timothy…

taking God for granted

I’m not going to join the track team again! I said that to myself countless times during my years in school. But every track season, there I was, back on the team.

Why did I have a love/hate relationship with track? The training! During practice, we pushed our perceived physical limits and strove for perfection. And all that training led…

ultimate allegiance

Read the first 8 chapters of the gospel of John and you get the distinct impression that inaccurate views of two men—Moses and Abraham—stood in the way of many first-century Jews believing in Jesus. For instance:

Jesus heals a lame man on the Sabbath (5:8-10). The Pharisees charge Jesus with breaking the Mosaic Law (vv.10,16,18). Moses remained their authority even…

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