Tag  |  counseling

persevere in prayer

My friends’ marriage is on the rocks. For months, as they received counseling, I thought they were going to make it. But now I’m full of doubt.

you choose Q: what about taking anti-depressants?

Q: Would you recommend to a family member or friend who is struggling with depression to take an anti-depressant?  —Grace

A: It’s important to understand that many things can trigger a bout with depression. Consequently, multiple causes call for multiple treatments. The possibilities certainly include the use of anti-depressants.

At the very least, it would be good for a person who…

after the honeymoon

The honeymoon is over. Life is settling back to routine—a new one. Now you have a partner to live with. It’s no longer just about your preferences and habits. You need to learn to tango with him or her in a new paradigm. That’s where we start stepping on each other’s toes. And that’s where Song of Solomon 5:2-3 comes in.

an inward look

A disgruntled client once told me that he didn’t see a need for a Christian to go to counseling. He went on to add, “Self reflection and self awareness is a waste of time. Our lives would straighten out if we would just do what the Bible tells us to do.”

There is no doubt our lives would improve by…

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