Tag  |  counsel

Winning Wars

Yesterday, someone wrote and asked me to help with a large event she’s overseeing. Time constraints made it easy for me to reply, “Sorry, but I’m unavailable.”

Friendly Wounds

I received an email from a close friend with the subject line “I’m too old for this!” His email told of his recent ordeal riding a roller coaster with his 12-year-old son. He said that the ride lasted only a minute, but it was miserable. He didn’t get physically sick, but he also didn’t want to eat for the rest of the day.

of hobbies and gossip

A woman became engrossed in a new hobby. The activity itself was a healthy one, but the devoted wife and mother soon began to neglect her family and friends—even her walk with God.

February 11, 2013

What have you found worked well to help a friend break free of an addiction?

shut up!

I'm re-reading a great book by David Nasser titled Glory Revealed.  In it is this statement from him: "Never miss an opportunity to shut up."
I posted this on Facebook and asked for comments.  Here are a few of them. . .
"Always heard that God gave us one mouth and TWO ears for a reason."
"Our willingness to to truly listen demonstrates love. …

open he(ear)t

Sometimes I don’t want advice. On numerous occasions, I’ve poured out my heart to my husband and he has responded with sound counsel. But what he doesn’t always understand is that I simply want to share my thoughts with him. I don’t want answers. Acting as if I’m all ears, I listen only to see if he’ll say what I…

well-aged wisdom

Yam Fot Pau and his wife overcame poverty by pouring their lives into building a successful business, only to see it go bankrupt in 1992. He said at the time, “My philosophy on money is simple: It is important, but it depends on how you get it. . . . I’ve never been afraid of hard work.”

Older people can…

inconvenient compassion

Unlike us sometimes, Jesus didn’t allow circumstances to dictate whether or not He chose to act compassionately. We need to take that to heart, for unchurched people are looking for reasons to attend a church and associate with believers in Christ. Nearly 60 percent of non-church-attenders say they would be more likely to step inside if they felt the church…

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