Tag  |  broken heart

museum of broken relationships

A garden dwarf, a glass house, and a box made of matches. These items and many others are on display at the Museum of Broken Relationships in Croatia. It exists so that everyone who contributes a memento from a shattered relationship has the chance to “overcome emotional collapse through creation.”

The Bible offers even more constructive insight on how to…

Love Notes . . . a postsript

After the recent post “Love Notes” went up on ODJ last week on August 11th, I received a kind email from the father of the little girl who left little notes of affection behind for her family before she passed away from cancer. No one here at ODJ had any idea that the day the article went up was the anniversary…

the first cut

In 2003, Sheryl Crow covered the old Cat Stevens song “The First Cut Is the Deepest.” In this song, she bemoans her first love, who wounded her so deeply that she now struggles to feel anything. She wants to love again, but because her heart is broken she doesn’t know if she ever can.

The songwriter’s first love has moved…

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