I was asked that very question by a “concerned” brother. Then I was told by that brother that I should not play drums in a club or a place that did not honor God. (I guess I would not be able to play in some churches, but that’s another story!) While I can appreciate his concern, I do not subscribe to his myopic theorem.

We are to be salt and light. Salt and light within the four walls of the church building only? Can God trust you to make a difference in a “non church” situation? Can you be light in a dark situation? Can you be salt and create a thirst for the Lord? Wherever you are, the presence of the Lord should be with you.

The vast majority of Christians want people to come into the church because they’re deceived into thinking that is where their “ministry” is, or that the pastor will preach, teach, and do all of the work for them. The church may be the place you serve but your ministry is to whomever the Lord places in your path, wherever that path takes you.

Plant, water, harvest.  If you aren’t doing one of these, what are you doing?!

A young man I never met before was on a gig with me through a mutually known pianist. After setting up, we started talking about life. I told him about what I wanted to do in God, in this phase of my life: to be a mentor. Later that evening he struck up a conversation saying “since you are a mentor, you can give me some advice!” I did give him advice and a guideline. Well, three weeks later I found out that the young bassist heard and remembered what I told him. He sent me a text stating that he applied my advice to his life—he quoted it verbatim—and he told me it had an impact on his life. We met on a gig, in a club! I suggested to him that night that the two of us playing together and spending time in conversation was ordained, and that there was more to this than just a gig. That young man may never set foot in my church and there are many like him who may never visit any church. How will they be ministered to or witnessed to if we, who know the Lord and His love, stay inside the church edifice?

Yes the question is “What are you doing?” The answer should be “the will of God”—wherever that takes you.  —submitted by Rodney Harrison, US