I asked myself two questions recently as I examined what guides me as I navigate life. What goes on within me? What goes on around me? I decided to break it down and take a closer look.

What goes on within me?



What goes on around me?

The world


I asked myself again, what truly guides me in this world I live in? I stand by faith in a faithful God, instead of being stuck in circumstances and controlled by them. Circumstances can have so much sway on us if we aren’t standing firm in God.

The First Place is where my heart lives. The First Place is where I stand by faith instead of standing on the shifting sands of my circumstances. The First Place is a place of faithfully trusting God and trusting every single detail will come together as He’s planned. I have trusted it will because of Him and because of my relationship with Him. My circumstances have been covered with prayer and I know that I have sought wisdom and guidance from Him.

The Second Place is this world we live in, and it’s a world of circumstances that swirl constantly around us. There are often pressures and struggles with the things of this world—some are normal everyday things, others are challenging. We have to navigate through it all, often uncertain about what to do and which choice to make.

It comes down to standing firm in the First Place. Standing in a place of faith is where the circumstances of this world are resolved as God works through it all to accomplish His will. Prayer is answered. God is in control. He’s far superior to the circumstances of this life in which we’re entangled. He untangles each situation, straightens it out, and shows us His power and strength.

When I seek Him first I know that I’m standing firm in the First Place.

Matthew 6:33

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Additional verses  that I hope you’ll check out! (Psalm 16:11, 25:4-5, 37:23; Proverbs 3:5-6; James 1:5; 1 John 5:4).

 —submitted by Kathy Cheek, US