“`If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes” (Mark 9:23).

The most important tool necessary for success is not confidence or education. It’s faith. Before you venture on any project, always spend three days in prayer. When Jesus gives you the green light, go at it with all your gusto knowing that everything you need to propel you into the rewarding completion of your project will be abundantly and graciously given by the Royal King who possesses all and will freely share it with those who ask!  

Paul put it this way: God can do “more than we can ask or imagine by His power at work in us” (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Oh and by the way, when you have perfectly completed said project, why not give a high-five to the Holy Spirit for patiently guiding you and generously supplying the tools necessary to complete the project.

When someone compliments you on how excellent your finished job looks, don’t forget to give credit to the project supervisor—Jesus Christ. After all, if you don’t thank Him or give Him credit, how can you even seriously have the audacity to ask for help on your next project?

Prayer: Jehovah El Shaddai (The Lord who is suffient for all the needs of His people) I have this project I have a deep desire to venture on. It is ___________ (fill in the blank). I know I need Your wisdom and resources to complete the this project. I have faith that if You agree, we can and will do it with dazzling results. Thank You my adoring God. In the name of my royal king Jesus Christ I pray. Amen                                                                                                                                                          

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.  —pics and copy submitted by Joseph Green, China