We find it relatively easy to thank God for saying yes to prayers we have prayed – healing from sickness, promotion on job, admission into college of our choice, spiritual growth, financial freedom, healing of marriage, and so many more amazing blessings. But, when was the last time we genuinely thanked God for saying NO to our requests? I shudder to think of the possible smears and cumulative blots on, and dead-ends and cul-de-sacs in my life, had he not said NO.

When I look back over my life and see all the times God said NO, and how he saved me from ship wrecking my life against the icebergs of unwise choices, I rejoice and thank him for his amazing preserving grace. In short, I am learning how to say YES to God’s NO.

When was the last time you genuinely thanked God for telling you NO? In what areas has God said NO to you, and when you see the big picture, you were glad that he did? How are you doing saying YES to God’s NO?