I was reading in Matthew 26 this morning where Peter is confronted two times by several individuals in the courtyard and accused of being associated with Jesus. Each time he denied being with Him. The third time some other bystanders came to Peter and said, “you must be one of them because we can tell by your Galilean accent.” That last accusation arrested my attention and is where the Holy Spirit gave me pause. Here are some questions I sensed Him asking me:

Will I ever be accused of being one of them because I was closely associated with Him?

Can people tell that I am one of them based on the way I talk, my Christ accent? No, I am not talking about using the right Christian language, but the way I respond to all of life, no matter how strange it gets.

Will they be able to tell that I am one of them based on the way I respond during difficult, disappointing and frustrating moments in my day?

Will they be able to determine if I am one of them by the way I use my words to build up, encourage, create, give life, and inspire.

Will they know that I am one of them based on the way I talk to my hurting spouse, my active children, my unfair boss, and my unruly neighbor?

Will bystanders know that I am one of them based on the way I forgive those who offend me, love my enemies, suffer well without and within me, listen and give to the marginalized and disenfranchised consistently?

Will people around me ever accuse me of being one of them based on the way I rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep?

Will I ever be accused of being one of them because I loved and lived like him?

If you are follower of Jesus, can people tell that you are one of them? Is there any language or behavior that may prevent people from ever thinking or believing that you are one of them? What do you need to change?