Me: Hey. I will be in Japan from 7 to 17 August.

Friend A: You sure? Aren’t you afraid of the radiation?

Me: We are serving the victims in Miyagi prefecture focusing on a district called Motoyoshi, which was heavily damaged by the tsunami. Miyagi is the closest land area to the epicenter of the earthquake, and it is quite far from Fukushima where the nuclear reactors are located. According to the radiation reading published in May, it is safe.

Friend B : How about the food? Aren’t you afraid that it is contaminated?

Me: Well, I would just have to trust in the Lord. Besides, you can’t really be sure of what you are eating nowadays. Haven’t we been reading news about plasticizer contamination of food in Taiwan, and the possibility of pesticide residues in our vegetables and fruits?

So, yes, Japan. I’m coming.  🙂

In Acts 11: 29, the Christians in Antioch learn that a great famine will soon sweep over the whole world. So, they “decided to send relief to the brothers and sisters in Judea, everyone giving as much as they could.”

Similarly, since March, Christians from all over the world have responded to help in the rebuilding of Japan after the Tsunami. Below are some recent photos published by OM Japan.


Destruction at Tomarihama, Minami sanriku. Lots of rubbles yet to be removed. (7 July 2011)


Taking out flooring, ceiling and walls.


Packing 103 boxes of food to distribute to the victims at the temporary housing.

Tsunami may have ravaged many lives but it has drawn many people from different tongues, tribes and nations together to show the love of God to the Japanese.

Everyone can do a part to help. Relief can come in various forms such as gift of time, labor, goods or money, as well as prayers. You could play a part as well.