Recently my elderly mother, living in another state, was diagnosed with liver cancer. We thought she simply needed to have a gallstone removed, but doctors informed us that it was carcinoma and that no treatment would help. The siblings agreed that she would want to know the truth, so my pastor-brother gently informed her of the post-procedure results. Her quiet response was: “That’s ok. The Lord is helping me to not be afraid and I am not afraid. Whether it is fast or slow, I am not afraid.”
Later, talking by phone, I tenderly reminded her, “Mother, you have lived a righteous life before, and it still holds true now.” She then began being “motherly” and told me that she was all right, not in any pain, and for me not to worry.
One of our favorite Bible promises is, “I, God will care of you even through the years of gray hair” (Isaiah 46:4). I believe that as my Mom’s earthly shell deteriorates, God will hold her faithful heart firmly in His hands of love and mercy.
A Sunday School teacher many years ago spoke of death for a Christian as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Even that simple, childlike illustration helps humanly to understand the transference of our redeemed soul into the immortal magnificent life—with Christ, our Savior. Amen. —pic and copy submitted by Sandra Thompson, US