The Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10).
This morning, as usual, one of my cats came about dawn for her morning routine, which means I scratch her head and tummy and she basks in the attention. As I was putting off getting up, some thoughts filled my mind.
I grew up on a farm outside a very small town in the Midwest of the US and lived in that part of the country most of my life. Sensing God’s call to move to the third largest city in Mexico would seem to be a hard move, but I knew God was in it and now I’ve been here almost eight years. The one thing I missed was having animals around me. So, a few years ago, for companionship (and a means of mouse control), I got two cats.
I‘ve noticed that felines are all unique. They have very different personalities, and I find myself in awe of how God has designed His creatures. No two animals are alike. My cats have their quirks, but one thing I’ve noticed is that when they want my attention, each one has a way of getting it. Last night, I was busy (at least I thought I was busy), and my other cat came and was very insistent in letting me know that she wanted something. I paid no attention—again, I was busy. Later I realized that the cats had no water.
God speaks to His children. This past year has been a very difficult one for me, and not only due to the unrest in my country. It seems that I have been under attack in every possible way. Through this time God has been speaking to me and giving me insights into my situation. But, this morning, I began to wonder how many times I might have missed something because I was “too busy” to stop and really listen.
I decided to do everything possible to not miss out on what God is teaching. I want to say like Samuel, “Speak, your servant is listening.” —submitted by Ardis Rivera, Mexico