Gjyste Vjerdha was busy working her nightly, graveyard-shift cleaning job at a restaurant with her 22-year-old son, Gentjan. As she tidied up a restroom, Gjyste found some women’s rings worth thousands of dollars. The thought of keeping the treasures might have crossed her mind, but she chose to do the right thing and take the jewelry to her manager. Later that day, the rings were returned to a woman who had accidentally left them in the restroom. Gentjan said, “You get so many things by hard work; you don’t need to steal or take from someone else.”
The apostle Paul once made an appeal to his friend Philemon who had likely experienced some theft by a man named Onesimus (Philemon 1:18). During a stay in prison, Onesimus had become a believer in Jesus through Paul’s ministry (Philemon 1:10).
Paul wanted Philemon to welcome back this young man who had once been Philemon’s slave—a pilfering one at that! The apostle wrote that to warmly receive the changed man would be “the right thing for you to do” (Philemon 1:8). It was right, for Philemon’s forgiveness would reflect what Jesus Himself had taught and modeled.
As believers in Christ, when we do the right thing, the word gets around and others can see the beauty of real faith (Philemon 1:5). When we’re forgiving, generous (Philemon 1:6), loving, and kind (Philemon 1:10), our actions reveal a right way of living for Jesus’ sake (Philemon 1:20).
Today you might come across something that doesn’t belong to you. You might be confronted with the opportunity to forgive someone who has offended you. Each moment of your life presents a simple question: Will you do the right thing?
Doing what’s right is a reflection of real faith in Jesus. Choose, for His sake, to do what you know is right today.
Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me— everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:9).
What issue are you wrestling with that’s calling for you to do the right thing for Jesus’ sake? Why is it essential that we strive to do what is right in this life?
AManofGod on December 31, 2010 at 3:21 am
In a world so full of wrong doing this can be so hard. I see everyday and in so many instances people who do wrong yet they seem to prosper. The world is full of people like stockbrockers who make profits from the losses of others or people who lie and steal to ruin images and spread negative impressions of others. And sometimes they succeed in doing their grim tasks.
The good news is Jesus knows the truth even when men do not. We must be IN the world but be not OF the world. Short term prosperity can lead to long term suffering! I would hate to excel in this life and be cast into the lake of fire when this life is over! This life is a temporary thing, but life with Jesus is eternal. Thinking of this makes doing the right thing so much easier.
Let’s think of that as we enter the new year.
Be Blessed!
tom felten on December 31, 2010 at 6:20 pm
AManofGod, may God bless you and other odj community members in the New Year. Check out David’s words in Psalm 25:1-22 and be encouraged!
GrowinginChrist on December 31, 2010 at 9:06 am
Yes, this world is full of people who do wrong. I thank God for his revelation to do what is right, especially when it feels wrong to me. This is what Jesus expects. My feelings will catch up to what the word of God says. As I reflect on what I have gone thru this past year, I realize that Jesus was with me the whole way, is with me now, and will be with me at the dawn of 2011. I am so grateful for finding ODJ. I have been blessed by the daily devotionals and comments of all the other readers. I have found strength and encouragement from you all. I thank God for all of you. I pray that God will continue to bless you all. I wish you all prosperity in all that you do, and that God’s love, grace and mercy will surround you all.
Happy New Year
Stay Blessed
tom felten on December 31, 2010 at 6:22 pm
GrowinginChrist, we all thank you for your contribution to this online community. Your transparency and depth of spiritual insight is refreshing. May God bless you in 2011!
cgemora on December 31, 2010 at 11:16 am
I would like to request if you could send me copies of ODJ so I can give it out to my family, friends and co-workers. My family have been using Our Daily Bread for the last 5 years for our daily family devotion. I find ODJ a helpful addition to us.
Thank you and have a blessed New Year to all!
tom felten on December 31, 2010 at 6:24 pm
cgemora, I’m so glad odj and odb have provided you and your family with some spiritual enrichment. Please use the “contact us” form link at the bottom of the odj home page and submit your request again, complete with your address. Happy 2011!