We have some friends, a young married couple, living with us. Finished with one part of their university studies, they’ve applied to a variety of graduate schools to continue their coursework. But they have no idea where they will end up. The possibilities are all over the map—from Boston to Vancouver to Pittsburgh to Atlanta. They’ve filled out many applications and requested numerous grants. There have also been interviews and carefully considered options as they’ve considered their future every which way. Now, all they can do is pray—and wait for the day when the postman brings news of what their future holds.
Psalm 5 begins with a straightforward request: “O Lord, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning” (Psalm 5:1). The psalmist, King David, was in a gloomy place. We don’t know his situation, but David was experiencing some measure of loss, sorrow, or torment. He was in pain, “groaning.” And in his difficult place, David wanted God to hear his agony. He needed God to listen to his “cry for help” (Psalm 5:2).
David didn’t run to his advisors or his wife or the many wise sages of his court for aid. None of them could help him. He didn’t roll up his sleeves and pore over documents, figuring out some solution to his predicament. David knew he couldn’t help himself. He went directly to the only One who could meet him in his darkness. “I pray to no one but You,” David said (Psalm 5:2). David waited, watching for God.
David’s only work was to not work. He decided to bring his heart and his hope to God and then to “wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3). The Message puts it this way: “Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar and watch for fire to descend.”
Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior (Psalm 38:22).
When have you tried to no avail to make something happen? In what specific ways do you need to wait for God instead?
Unknown woman on December 17, 2010 at 7:31 am
It’s weird and so difficult to wait on the Lord especially when you’ve been waiting for so long. I pray every day in regards to something to happen but still noting. I sometimes feel like He’s ignoring me or it’s just not the time yet. When I look around, to my friends who seem to have it easy I just want to break down and cry. It’s so hard on me because some of them are not Christians or believers. It’s like God is trying to tell me that they deserve it and I don’t, or maybe it’s not my time. Then I remember God’s word in Isaiah 40:31 says:
but lthey who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings mlike eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
The Lord tells me to not be discouraged. I also refer myself to the word from
Psalm 37:3-5
3 zTrust in the LORD, and do good;
adwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.2
4 bDelight yourself in the LORD,
and he will cgive you the desires of your heart.
I’ll just wait on him patiently until he comes through for me. It’s hard but I know he will see me through it. He will never give me more then I can bear.
KrisB on December 17, 2010 at 9:03 am
I have been out of college for 1 1/2 years now working odd jobs and waiting for the Lord to open the right door for me. I find my self fasting and praying only to hear nothing. Thanks for sharing, a great reminder to wait on the Lord right when I need it most. Thank you again.
joshuadaniel on December 18, 2010 at 8:40 pm
My dear friend, when we study HIS word we find we are even existing for HIM and HIS glory. So the worldly Godless ones may seem to have it easy but the peace of where we will be and who we will be with after we pass away that we have, no one can compare. In physical pain and trials we sometimes feel we wish we were in the bosom of our God because we have the assurance and peace of salvation; that the worldly+Godless don’t have. Seeing you happy and cheerful and go about your daily chores/routine brings glory to GOD and a inquisitiveness in the Godless to ask why is she happy even in her situation and then know U have Jesus who walks with you in your need and carries you when you cannot walk.
He needs your help in reaching out to this Godless world that only seems to increase. So hang on child of God, HE is working in the background for your relief. Just ask HIM to do it HIS way.
GrowinginChrist on December 17, 2010 at 8:24 am
Amen to that. Waiting on the Lord can sometimes be the hardest part. Also, keeping our joy while we are waiting. Ask the savior to help you, comfort, strenghten and keep you. He is willing to aid you. He will carry you through.
winn collier on December 17, 2010 at 10:01 am
Waiting is immensely hard. We are in the season of Advent, the season of remembering that God has come to us in Jesus and the season of waiting for Jesus promise to return to us again and set all right. I pray God will give each of us the strength to wait and the joy to remember that God is with us amid our waiting.
AManofGod on December 17, 2010 at 12:44 pm
I totally agree with the posts today. It is so hard to wait! I remember a song from my younger days titled “The Waiting is the Hardest Part” and it is still true today!
I always relied on my abilities to “work out”: my problems. I am a scientist by trade and I always sought the answer….and if I couldn’t get the answer I got frustrated and sought even harder until I would find it. What the Lord is saying is that may work in a laboratory but it doesn’t work in my spiritual life. I am going through so many trials and tribulations right now and I so desperately want to be done with them, but the Lord is telling me to WAIT and it is oh so hard for me.
But I will. And I pray that he gives me the strength to continue to wait on Him for answers.
followingHim on January 16, 2011 at 2:45 pm
AManofGod, I am in the crosshairs of multiple trials too: a very painful marital separation, serious financial setbacks, job setbacks, and a criminal charge (unwarranted, I daresay) as well! I have literally cried for a half-hour or more at times, pouring out my pain and begging the Lord for relief. It’s been a halfyear since the onslaught, which is not long relative to other people’s crises and–certainly–Eternity. Yet I am finally seeing “idiosyncratic blessings,” some small, others significant, and most of them rather irregular.
Thjis has been heartening, because as I worked through my woes in prayer, I began to pray less for relief, and more for patience, some understanding, and, especially, greater faith and hope.
Consider the third stanza to the great, meditative hymn, “Spirit of God (Descend Upon My Heat):”
4. Teach me to feel that thou art always nigh;
teach me the struggles of the soul to bear.
To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh,
teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.
I’ll be praying for you tonight, AManofGod. Amen!
AManofGod on January 17, 2011 at 12:12 am
Prayers from Christian bethren buoy my soul and make my journey so much more tolerable.
Thank you so much again for all your prayers.
Tyla808 on December 17, 2010 at 2:31 pm
I think the most important thing to pray about is wisdom. Always check in with God and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into a time of waiting. Make sure it is a time of waiting and does not require anything at all from you (i.e. to make a decision or to take action).
In the time of waiting for however long, ask for wisdom so that when you do begin to see things happening you know it’s from God…or not. Sometimes we want something so bad, we can misread what we feel are “signs” or “signals” or “confirmations” that this is what God wants for us.
Along with wisdom, once you are in the time of waiting on the Lord pray for joy and supernatural faith. Waiting for anyone is hard…and when you are waiting for an extended period of time (although for most people anything over a day is an “extended period of time”) it is easy to lose your joy which will zap your strength but it is very easy to lose your faith which can cause you to make some not-so-wise decisions and “jump the gun” so to speak and take matters into your own hands. This is when you need supernatural faith so that you keep your sights on above, continue everyday on believing on what has not manifested yet…NOT by what you see in the present.
Lastly communicate with God often. Build intimacy with Him…the waiting time is not just for you to wait to receive an answer, a job, a spouse, or whatever it is that you are praying for…its a wonderful time to grow in your relationship with God. This is the time to press into Him.
I have been in my Season of Waiting for about a year now. I’m still waiting and this experience as taught me, is still teaching me a lot. The greatest thing I have learned is: The closer and more I grow in God, the more He reveals His heart and desires to me, the more I become intimate with Him, the more I want to please Him, the more I want to please Him, the more obedient I become to doing His will…that scripture that talks about God giving me the desire of my heart is true because what my heart begins to desire is God and what God desires for me rather than what I desire for myself.
– Blessings –
joshuadaniel on December 17, 2010 at 9:23 pm
Yes Tyla808, you are correct. Hang onto every word from HIM. Yes the waiting can be very very painful and tearful but he knows you, he created you and he will lead you. He sees your every tear. Secondly openly profess and witness to those around you that you are faithfully waiting and HE will answer in HIS time. Ask all God’s children to pray for you that he strengthen you during this time of waiting and hold your hand. It helps. I will surely pray for you that he grant you the desires of your heart BUT MODIFIED according to what he has decided is the BEST for you. Josh
joshuadaniel on December 17, 2010 at 9:17 pm
I have work experience of more than 22 yrs and have changed 4 jobs in that time. But at every stage it has been a case of waiting for the Lord’s timing and I am living proof the reply does come. At every stage I got a new job just as it was impossible to continue and let the name of our LORD be glorified HE never left me without a job for one single day. The day I finish one job, I start the next one. Read the word of God (BIBLE)every time U find it difficult and you will find words of wisdom. As my late grandmother advised claim James 1:5 every time you pray and the Lord will surely reward you.
AManofGod on December 20, 2010 at 12:20 pm
Your grandmother passed on a lot of wisdom to you in that statement. Asking God for wisdom is the ONLY answer as He is the source off all knowledge and understanding!