Have you noticed what an influence Santa has? Once just an innocent children’s story, it has now turned nasty. Once upon a time there were just nativity scenes dotted around, honoring the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now there is just Santa Clause and he is honored like a god.
I am sorry to break it them, but Santa isn’t real, it is all a myth, where as Jesus Christ is real and he is up in heaven right now. So I think it is time to quit goofing over Santa, and start putting up those nativity scenes to tell the true meaning of Christmas. After all, I’d rather see the truth up about Christmas, not some phony Santa who is been honored above my Lord Jesus. —Jonathan, US
dja on December 2, 2010 at 8:13 am
“Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. “James 1:17,18
Little children are told that their presents are from Santa and their candy is from the Easter bunny, but then they find out as they grow up that they’re not real. They could never see Santa nor the Easter bunny. Okay, then they’re also told about Jesus, and they can’t see Him, so if the things that were “fun” were not real, what goes through a child’s mind about the reality of Jesus?
We told our children right from the start that there was no such thing as Santa and the Easter bunny. We always told them that all good gifts were from the Lord. The gifts under the tree were there because the Lord had provided the means and the love for them to be there, and it is He that we thank for His care for us. Our children never missed the Santa myth because we never started it.
jeGeddes on December 3, 2010 at 12:52 am
My dad has always told me that Santa is fake. I remember when I was 6 or 7, I was debating the reality of Santa with my father. My evidence was that a friend of mine had seen Santa. My dad replied.
“Fine. If you want to test this theory, I’ll let Santa bring you your gifts”. I didn’t want to test the theory, and so I kept my mouth shut about Santa from then on.