How do you live out Jesus’ commands to care for both the physical needs (Matthew 25:35-36) and spiritual needs (Matthew 28:19) of others?
How do you live out Jesus’ commands to care for both the physical needs (Matthew 25:35-36) and spiritual needs (Matthew 28:19) of others?
adeola on October 5, 2010 at 2:06 am
By doing all these things to our neighbours, fellow brothers & sisters around us, all those in need. Following our spirit in assisting those that God brings to our path, for in doing so, we are responding to His word.
tom felten on October 6, 2010 at 2:38 pm
adeola, your physical acts of compassion remind me of what Jesus said in Matthew 25:37-40. As you minister to others, your are truly blessing Jesus!
melite on October 6, 2010 at 7:34 pm
Following God’s command of making disciples and rendering help to others can be done simultaneously. Rendering help to anyone in need which motivation of doing so is his love for God, is a way of showing physical as well as spiritual help to people whom God loves. Let us not just love in words but in deeds, follow our Master.
loananna on October 7, 2010 at 9:12 am
I head up a ministry that is country wide at our church, Angel Food Ministry. At our church, we have volunteers from our high school youth and from the body who help distribute food to our community. This is a God send for alot of people. With the program, people are given a “Hand up not a Hand out” When they pick up their food, we pray with them as well as with each new month’s menu going out the prayer of salvation is given to them. I encourage every over to see if this program is near them if not see if maybe your church can be a site, go to for more info. You see they have a wide variety of boxes to choose from, so they do pay for this food, which is quality food at a fraction of the cost. Our volunteers are blessed as well as people in the community seeing God’s love in action. Help spread the word.
God Bless
KatieRey on October 8, 2010 at 6:33 am
The Angel Food Ministry is an awesome outreach that has fed thousands. My parents were in need one time and Angel was there for them! The Lord is working with this ministry.
KatieRey on October 8, 2010 at 6:44 am
In our area in Green Sea SC, there is a Christian counseling center in the process of being built. The counseling center will help those who have drinking and drug issues, those dealing with abuse (both giving and receiving abuse) and helping those in gangs get out. We live in the country but near Myrtle Beach SC, which has a huge problem with “night life”. Our brother in Christ who is building this counseling community is a former Hell’s Angel biker. He has been ministering to other bikers. And our family is so excited to get involved. My husband is in the middle of helping with the building and I am anxious to help with counseling. But we all are interested in helping bring in food and clothes, as well as all needed supplies. This ministry is just in the beginning stages and we ask for prayer because it will help with both physical and spiritual needs within our county and state.
lindagma on October 11, 2010 at 5:50 am
My reaching out is through writing and the arts. Our Christmas cantata (I’m directing the drama) speaks to the issues our country is facing today and points the audience to Jesus as the answer. I was involved in the banquet fund raiser for CareNet… an organization that provides information and care to the women who are seeking abortion and I’ve written a fiction novel.. still working on the publishing.. that focuses on the devastation to women who go through with abortion. I make baby afghans to donate to “safe houses” where women of abuse can go with their children for safety from their abusers and get a hand up to start a new life. I guess you could say my passion is for women struggling to get their lives back on track. Since I’m the care giver of my 88 yr old mother, I cannot devote much time away from my home… but God can use you where ever you are.
tom felten on October 6, 2010 at 2:41 pm
Great point, Jimbo! Our “home team” must be our first priority. Real love for those under our love can then flow to our neighbors and beyond!