A Christian leader recently accepted my invitation to deliver an address at the seminary where I teach. During his talk, the preacher distinguished between goodness as moral purity and goodness as acts of service. He illustrated the difference by saying that if you resist going into a pornographic shop, that is moral purity, and if you give five dollars to a panhandler, that is an act of service.
When I wrote to thank him for his speech, I jokingly asked whether giving five dollars to a panhandler is really an act of kindness, or have you just bought that fellow a drink? The man responded in kind, saying that Jesus healed a blind man without wondering whether he would use his newfound sight to look lustfully at women.
He intended it as a joke, but it made me think. I had never considered what it would have been like to be tempted in the very area that had been healed by Jesus. Would a former blind man think twice before using his redeemed sight to sin? If I were that person, I think I would.
Then it struck me that I am that blind man. Augustine wrote that our sin natures were as broken as the traveler on his way to Jericho who was beaten by robbers and left for dead (Luke 10:30). And as that helpless man was rescued by the Good Samaritan, so also our corrupted wills have been restored by Jesus.
Just as it would be unthinkably inappropriate for that rescued victim to launch an attack on Samaritans, or a healed blind man to use his restored sight to lust, or a former mute to use her tongue to slander others, so it is wrong for us to use any redeemed part of our body for sin. “You were bought at a price,” says Paul. “Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:20 NIV).
• Psalm 74:2
• Romans 6:15-18
• Revelation 5:9-10
The Lord Jesus Christ wants to restore every aspect of what we think, choose, feel, and do. What area of your life still needs saving? Commit it to Him now.
davedon on April 25, 2010 at 7:55 am
It is a struggle and it doesn’t end when we become a Christian. Our old nature is still there demanding satisfaction and if we feed it, it becomes stronger. If we feed and nurture our new nature it becomes stronger. But God loves us in spite of our weakness and He delights in giving victory and giving us strength for the victory.
Thanks be to God that He doesn’t give up on us and walk away because it takes a long time to change us sometimes.
bethanyF on April 25, 2010 at 8:03 am
Praise God for this devotional today. His word is so full of things to think on. I pray that I may be a blessing to him today.
gdavid82 on April 25, 2010 at 10:35 am
God made we males to desire females and that is a normal thing. When we begin to WORSHIP the forms of those women walking in front of us it becomes an idolatry far from the appreciation of seeing a beautiful woman that God created. It’s not my eyes that cause me to stumble but it is my mind and my ability to maintain self control.
Soldier4Christ on April 25, 2010 at 2:27 pm
This devotional makes me think about the song,” be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little ears what you hear. ” Even after we give our lives to God totally we are still going to be tempted everyday, but we need to learn to walk in the spirit and not the flesh. I too thank God that He doesn’t give up on us when we fall.
tito777as on May 8, 2010 at 11:26 am
This is a powerful subject that has gave me strength..i thank God along with my brother’s and sister’s in Christ for not giving up on us. We fall but do we stay down in guilt..or do we truly repent and depart from that sin as the word of God say’s and rely completely on Gods strength to guide us through our daily temptations. God bless everyone. Through prayer comes santification. Amen