When the economy went bad, many sensed impending disaster. Pastor Bob Johnson saw opportunity. He had been on mission trips, and he’d seen some of the vital work going on in various corners of the world. But he wanted his church to make a difference in their community. This was the chance.
He scheduled a meeting with his city’s mayor and asked, “What can we do to help you?” The mayor was astounded. Usually, people came to him for help. Together, the mayor and the pastor came up with five ways to provide assistance. In one local county, more than 20,000 seniors went an entire year without a single visitor. The church could definitely do something about that.
Foster care presented a dire need as well. Hundreds of children needed a family to take care of them. And many kids with a mom or a dad still needed tutoring that their parents couldn’t provide. Some needed more substantial, one-on-one mentoring to help them stay out of gangs and out of trouble. And the community had numerous military families that needed assistance when Mom or Dad was deployed.
It’s telling that the writer of James singled out widows and orphans as objects for the attention of the church. “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you” (1:27). It’s reminiscent of Jesus’ words in Matthew: “When you did it to one of the least of these My brothers and sisters, you were doing it to Me” (25:40). He was speaking of those who had helped the needy, not knowing they were really helping Christ Himself.
Don’t stress out about the endless needs in our world. Put your Christianity into practice. Do something about the need right in front of you.
• Matthew 25:31-46
• Malachi 3:5
How well are you respecting the elderly and caring for the needy? Is it time to step out of your comfort zone and visit a nursing home? What child in your life could use some time and help?
Kevin on March 13, 2010 at 6:50 am
Yes, Yes & Yes great devotional! This is exactly what we see everyday in the Body of Christ!!! “FAT” Christians. Dont get me wrong there is always a season for growing and learning, but there is also a time of applying what the Word of God says, and walking it out. We must pour out so that the Father can pour back into us. As one a fellow Pastor preached, you must Release to Recieve
The Word of the Lord has been given to us as a gift, not to hoard for ourselves but to share it. The great commission states to go and share the good news of the gospel with all nations! I hope you enjoy the sermon link!!!
God Bless and go make the Word Alive in your life!!!
MommaJ on March 13, 2010 at 1:43 pm
It always makes me feel strange to hear of this country jumping to the aid of other countries when we have so many needs here in our own. Homeless families, single parented children with basic needs unmet, the elderly trying to live an independant live without aid from their families. When Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, I think he really meant who ever you happen to be next to at any given moment. I think mission work is wonderful and called for…but I think meeting the needs of the people right in your own neck of the woods is a misson we ignore all too often. Thank you for your devotion today. It hits home, and it’s a message that needs to be told again and again.
bethanyF on March 13, 2010 at 7:38 pm
This was really encouraging. Thanks.
Debi on March 16, 2010 at 7:45 am
This is an excellent message for so many in the church to hear. I was widowed at 35, and while raising my 3 sons (5, 9 & 13) alone, the church I was attending was so busy doing “big and noticeable” things in the community, but not available to the members right under their noses who needed practical help.
It’s not the church’s job to just increase numbers, then forget about those who have been added to the fold. This strategy serves to ultimately decrease membership, and, in the case of my 2 oldest sons, turn people off to Christianity entirely.
Yet, I know my prayers for them are heard by our Almighty God and I wait for His timing in their lives.
tim gustafson on April 1, 2010 at 1:17 pm
Debi, thanx for sharing this. You and Momma J seem to make similar points. If we can’t help the church we live in, then our Christianity seems pretty useless. I applaud you also for not giving up on your prodigals! Blessings.