Hey ODJ family! This is Marvin Williams. As a pastor and writer, there are a number of voices that inspire me to walk with Jesus more closely. One of those voices is Julian Newman, lead pastor of Renaissance Church in Sacramento, California. This post, that he wrote today, beautifully describes his own journey with Jesus. I know it describes mine, and I have a sneaky suspicion that it describes yours as well.

Yesterday I wrote of God’s development of my life and character during this decade. And while it is true that God was able to do these things, so much of it was such a back and forth struggle. Me struggling against God’s plan, God’s process, and God’s purpose.
Me working to find a shortcut, an alternate route, or another way. Me negotiating His crystal clear commands into cushy soft compromises.

And at the very same time I have struggled with Him, He’s been struggling with me. Having to corner me, sending me down a dead-end street just to get my attention. Tackling me, tripping me, taking me down when I ran in the wrong direction. Allowing me to feel the pain of the choices that I made, making sure I would never forget.

I struggled because I thought I knew better, He struggled because He knew He did. I struggled because I was a rebel, He struggled because He loved me in spite of it. I struggled because of my lack of faith, He struggled because He is always faithful.

Struggling with God is costly, agonizing, and exhausting. And the crazy thing is, when we struggle with God, we only win when we lose.
This coming decade I don’t want to struggle and wrestle with God. I just want to surrender, believe, and go where He is leading.

Thank you for letting me share this with you. I hope your were moved, challenged, and encouraged by this post as much as I was.