To read and study the Bible is essential for a growing faith in Jesus. What has helped you to consistently spend time in God’s Word?
To read and study the Bible is essential for a growing faith in Jesus. What has helped you to consistently spend time in God’s Word?
loananna on November 30, 2009 at 9:06 am
You know i start every morning with my ritual of making coffee, getting the morning paper and reading my devotions and the scriptures. When i don’t do this my whole day always seems to be off. I do get up earlier than the rest of the family and this time to myself and God i have come to look forward to.
Daveen on November 30, 2009 at 12:06 pm
I try to start every morning with prayer, reading Our Daily Word, and studying the Bible while using my nebulizer treatment for my COPD. Within the last year, I came to the realization that I was spending hours a day on my online college work, television, reading novels, visiting with friends and family, reading online gossip and news, and about one and a half hours a week worshiping God while at church. I knew that something was very wrong with my priorities so I began to devote my mornings to God with a goal of reading the Bible from cover to cover. I have accomplished that, but starting in the new year, I plan to use a reading plan to read the Bible again. I look forward to my daily time with God.
MERC on December 5, 2009 at 7:59 am
At one time in my christian life a struggled with just plain old believing and yes i im spirit filled. The cares of this world, seeing bad things happen around me like death of my spirit filled loved ones before their time and my educated mind questioning the 100% exsistence of a living God. That’s when the scripture faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God became real in my life along with some other rema words from the master himself. The enemy loves when i struggle with staying in my word because it deminishes faith. One of the biggest blessings i recieved was a lap top computer because now i have a way to stay in the word to stay strong in the faith with no excuses. Every resource is at my fingertips. Now each morning i go to my devotions and Bible readings before my feet hit the floor and i see growth and a difference in my day. I look foward to the next word encounter like i never have before.
Lightweaver on December 1, 2009 at 11:19 am
I have been a student of biblical study since I accepted Christ as my saviour at the age of 10. To this day, I too pray before reading God’s word that He would bless me with wisdom as I receive knowledge from the word. As I read, I make notes of anything I don’t understand, look up words to see why they are used in a certain context, etc. But mainly I seek to read God’s word to excel in understanding why He loves me, what his nature is towards humans, to see His glory through creation’s eyes, to receive wisdom to understand his mercy, his grace, and all that is in His heart and spirit as He communes with mankind.
From an historical point of view, the stories inspired by God through His word that I read, enlighten my ability to understand God’s people and the wisdom to see what part I play in the grand scheme of things to the very end, when I complete my journey and enter the gates of Heaven.
valerie offiong on December 2, 2009 at 4:53 am
You wouldnt go into war without weapons and armour.
The scriptures tell us our battle is not carnal but spiritual so to fight a spiritual battle we must employ spiritual weapons.
The bible says God honors His Word above His name, it tells us to hide His Word in our hearts that we might not sin against Him, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
If we believe all of this is true (I do) then we know we must be diligent to engraft His Word in us and prepare for battle daily. Satan doesnt take vacations.
ve9cbc on December 5, 2009 at 5:18 pm
For me, I start my day by reading Our Daily Bread, readings from the recovery group that I’m a member of, and doing the Rosary Beads for 30 minutes. I find when I do that, I feel the presence of the Heavenly Father with me throughout the day.
At the end of the day, I kneel at my bedside and praise God for another day (whether it be good or bad). Also ask Him to guide me the next day with my thoughts, actions, and what comes out of my mouth.
Thank God I do not have to control the world anymore, like I tried to in my addiction. He does such a better job than I could; or for that matter any of us can.