I was driving to my friend’s memorial service when rows of taillights began braking in front of me. I flipped on the radio and learned that traffic was backed up because of an accident miles ahead. I lurched and stopped for 10 minutes . . . then 20. Now I was late. I thought about turning around and going home. But then it occurred to me that sticking it out would be the best way to show that I cared. I didn’t know if I would make it to the service, but every minute of my forced waiting would express my devotion to my friend.
This is Paul’s point to the Philippians. They had heard about his “present difficulty” (Philippians 4:14), which appears to have been financial. The need excited them, because it provided an opportunity to express their love. Paul knew they loved him, but only now did they have an “opportunity to show it” (Philippians 4:10 NIV).
Every difficulty presents an opportunity. Have you ever risen early to read the Bible and got nothing out of it? You had no idea what you read or how it applied to your life. Of course you want much more from your time in God’s Word. But if you set your alarm and went at it again the next morning, you were telling God in unmistakable terms that you love Him.
Or perhaps you’re overwhelmed by worry. Your job, health, or closest human relationship is breaking down, and you desperately need God to move on your behalf. No one enjoys these predicaments, but what an opportunity to express your devotion! If you trust God now, when fear is screaming for you to fight or flee, then you’re letting God know that you’re fiercely committed to Him.
Don’t waste your difficult opportunities. They can be ways to show how much God means to you.
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Genesis 6:9-22
Read Genesis 22:1-19 and learn how God knew that Abraham feared Him.
What difficulty has you down? How will you use this opportunity to express your devotion to God?
LCC on January 4, 2014 at 12:27 am
Reading this article, I was reminded of 2 things :
1) The story of Jacob wrestling with God. How he did not let go of God even though his hip hurts. He hang on until God blessed him.
2) fruit of the Spirit – perseverance.
The Lord desires for us to be fruitful.
John 15 : 8 “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples”.
Thanks Mike for the “food for thought”.
mike wittmer on January 4, 2014 at 2:32 pm
This is a good example, LCC. Jacob held on even with a dislocated hip. His pain became an opportunity to show his commitment.
daisymarygoldr on January 4, 2014 at 4:22 pm
The Philippians had heard of Paul’s “present difficulty”. They expressed their love by taking care of his financial need. How does this relate to us expressing devotion to God? Does God have any difficulty let alone a financial need?
So, what is Philippians 4: 10-13 teaching us to do? Provide for the needs of those who have left their all to preach and teach God’s word. This is how we care for the Lord’s workers and show our love for them
Rising early to read the Bible and getting nothing out of it is no difficulty. And “Overwhelmed by worry, your job, health or closest human relationships breaking down,” are not deemed as difficulties for followers of Christ. These are the common cares and worries of this life which all people face. Those who consider losing their health, homes, jobs, mommies, daddies, babies, hubbies or wifeys—as difficulties, they are clearly the case of the seed which fell among the thorns (Matthew 13:22).
Jesus made it plain and clear, when compared to your love for the Lord, you must hate everyone else—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be His disciple. So what is the difficulty that His disciples encounter?
The difficulty that Paul and all Christians face is for preaching the Gospel, for the sake of Christ. You may be insulted for being a Christian or lose your job or life for preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. This difficulty is an opportunity to express our love and devotion to God.
Peter who gave his life for the Lord encourages us with these words: “In being a Christian, if you find life difficult because you’re doing what God said, take it in stride. Trust Him.” Be faithful until death; for the Lord has promised to give you the crown of life.