I took my 7-year-old son to a miniature golf course and, to make our scores competitive, allowed him one “mulligan”—or practice shot—per hole. He did fine until he came to hole 14, which required him to bank his ball off one wall and then another before rolling onto the green. His first shot fell behind the wall, as did his second, and then a couple more. His fifth attempt finally bounced off the wall and dribbled down the fairway—a playable shot. He proudly scampered to his ball, looked up at me and asked, “That counts as one, right?”
I laughed at my son’s eagerness to overlook his several bad shots, but he was only doing in golf what all of us do in other areas. Don’t we often let ourselves “off the hook”? What we immediately recognize as “sin” in someone else, we downplay as an innocent mistake when we do it. Or if we are caught red-handed, with no plausible excuse, we tell ourselves that our sin was a one-time thing and out of character for us.
The problem with letting ourselves off the hook is that we also disqualify ourselves for salvation. If Jesus came to “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21), then only those who admit and repent of their sins can be saved. This was Jesus’ answer to the Pharisees who indignantly asked why Jesus ate “with such scum” as “tax collectors and other disreputable sinners” (Matthew 9:10-11). Jesus replied that “healthy people don’t need a doctor-sick people do.” And then he added the clincher, “I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners” (vv.12-13).
Good people don’t need Jesus. Sinners do. Unless we tell the truth about ourselves, we cannot be saved.
• Ecclesiastes 7:20
• Romans 3:23
• 1 Timothy 1:15
Where would you place yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 representing pure evil and 10 meaning entirely good? How does God view you?
learning2serv on June 4, 2009 at 7:18 am
eechawhawhaow. Great shot!
-laught at self, l2s.
learning2serv on June 4, 2009 at 7:24 am
Story definitely applies to us saved folks. Trying not to practice sin is a lot harder than fighting to stay saved: you can’t win against sin. Jesus has already won that war.
There are no excuses to sin, just forgiveness when we try. It’s our cleansed conscience that will allow us to RUN to the light when we have done wrong.
But we do love our “mulligans”, don’t we?
BTW – eechawhwhaow = “you have afflicted great and well deserved pain upon me my friend, – good shot!”
laught = laughing.
Translation: Thank you for reminding me to laugh at myself because of the stupid things I do that God is just waiting for me to talk to Him about them!
(laught some more…. l2s)
msroby on June 4, 2009 at 8:21 am
Satan is also a God, but ONLY under our Lord God. Satan can mimic the ways of our Lord, but be deceptive, like when Jesus spent time with Satan and Satan quoted scripture without it being in the same context as the Word was written, so our Lord God, quoted the Word back to Satan with correct context. We all will be faced with this and will we be able to tell the difference between the two, if we do not talk [within our own minds] to God about what we understand? If we have a misconception our Lord God can speak to us [and there are many different ways He can do this], so that we know what the TRUTH is and not believe Satan’s mixture of the truth of the Word mixed with some lies and deceptions and a pinch of out of context.
We fool ourselves every single time we stop and say something to the effect, well, I believe I am following the Word because the Bible says this or that. We instantly know that if it is because “we think” that the Word says this or that to fit our situation, then we have just done exactly what Satan wants us to do and that is to make the Word ours and fit with what we do in our lives so we do not “feel” like we are wrong.
Example: We are at work and we know that the Word says that it’s not God’s way to be gossiping or even listening to gossip. But you over hear someone talking about someone you know and that person has talked to you directly, so you feel talking about what this person said to you directly does not qualify to be gossip. This is Satan’s mixing bowl of taking the Word, mixing it with a lie [In this case the lie was that you think you can talk about another person to others and not consider this gossip BECAUSE the so-called person told some information to you. In truth, it is still gossip], then taking it out of context, [In this case it has been taken out of concept of; “What is gossip?” and where did you get the information of what you consider the word gossip to mean? Was it from the Bible, a dictionary, in meditation with God? Our context of what the Word truely means comes from Our Lord and we have no business talking about anyone rather the person has told us any information or not. How do we know this? Because the Word says we are not to say anything that does not come from the Word itself and in it’s context. It is not very hard to figure out that you are hurting yourself to talk about someone else, that you hurt the person to whom you are talking about, and you hurt the people to whom you tell it to BECAUSE you are telling them that they are right to talk about this person when your actions of speaking about the person also, shows that you agree with what they are doing. You know it is wrong because God has placed it in your heart to know it is wrong.] and in the mix also comes deception, [When you think it is OK to say what someone has told you directly and so then thinking that it can not be gossip. That is just not true, if you talk about anyone that is not present, it is gossip.]
I speak of this mixing bowl and what is in it. This mixing bowl is our minds and how we all tend to process our thoughts, our readings, our meditations, what we have heard, what we understand and trying to decide for ourselves if we are OK to do what we mixing together.
The mixing bowl needs one ingredient and that is our Lord God.
So can we tell if we are trying to take the Word and make it fit to do something we are “thinking” about doing? At the time you put the thought into your mind, instantly there is an answer from God, but believe it or not, we sometimes keep thinking about it longer and longer because it doesn’t fit into what we want it to and the longer we are there the more ingredience that goes into the bowl.
We should keep our mind on God in our thoughts. Learn to hear God tell us what we need to know as truth and learn to say: “Yes, Lord.” Then move on and pray that our next mixing bowl of thoughts can stay clear of the ingredience we don’t need.
Why are thoughts so important, because God wants us to talk to Him about all things so that He can give us his Word first, then the decision is yours to accept or decline.
For the person who walked by hearing others talk about someone they know, and have information directly from that person who is being spoken about, it is more likely that God has a plan for you to SHOW his work to those talking sinfully, but Satan also has a plan. The closer you are to God, the more you will be able to know the action in which you are to take next to be Christlike. The answer is whatever God tells you to do in the moment that you put that “thinking” process into your mind.
May we all be able to hear our Lord God and not start to fill the mixing bowl with the thoughts, justifications, deceptions, and lies of Satan and make a mess instead of showing the Christlike person who is within us all.
msroby on June 4, 2009 at 8:28 am
I also forgot to mention that —
When we are thinking, it is between you, God and Satan. So if you can just imagine yourself at a table sitting down with both of them and before you decide to act on the thoughts that are one the discussion table, can you find in the Old Testiment, the Gospel and the New Tesitment, using all three of these places within the Word, to show it is right or wrong for whatever is on the discussion table.
So many people take one scripture and believe it’s enough to think they know what it means.
Unless you are supported from all three areas of the Bibe and with your conversation with God, misconception of any scripture is highly possible.
Satan might be at the table but you do not have to speak to him. The Word says to focus on God at all times. Know that Satan is part of this world, but you can do absolutely nothing about that, your job is to focus on God and stay there.
The best way to protect yourself is the Armor of God put on every morning and protect your thoughts so that you don’t get into mixing in the wrong ingredience on your journey to living forever with God and not Satan.