Read Mark 1:16-20 in my devotional reading a few mornings ago. One phrase arrested my attention — “. . . without delay he called them” and “At once they left their nets.” These two phrases seem to mark the urgent nature of Jesus’ call on their lives and how obedience to that call should be immediate. This started me thinking — Am I an “at once” kind of disciple? Or, am I that guy who ponders obedience until it is convenient for me? Do I rationalize my disobedience when I hear Jesus calling me to follow him? Am I the kind of follower that has to have all my ducks lined up before I will obey? Am I that guy who cares more about what people think of me than what God has called me to be and do?
“At once” haunts me.
“At once” disturbs me.
“At once” seems too irresponsible and too vulnerable
“At once” is too quick.
“At once” obedience doesn’t give me time to procrastinate in useless and senseless praying.
“At once” obedience doesn’t allow me to put off obedience until next week, when circumstances and conditions are perfect.
“At once” is too urgent.
However, at once obedience strongly suggests leaving one thing for something more compelling. Following Jesus is ultimately more compelling than a purposeless, undefined life. In following Jesus I experience God’s ultimate grace to humanity. Moreover, following Jesus affords us the opportunity to be an instrument of grace, sharing God’s unconditional love with those who are far from him. Fishing for people and seeing their “forevers” changed is definitely more compelling than catching and cleaning fish.
Now, embedded in “at once” obedience is ridicule, persecution, pain, suffering, misunderstandings, and even death. But, beyond the ridicule, pain and death, there is hope of life eternal with our Savior.
I desire to be an “at once” kind of follower, but I need God’s help. I need “at once” grace. Lord, your help is not just nice; it is absolutely necessary if I am going to respond “at once” to your call to obedience.
In what area of your life has Jesus been calling you to a higher level of obedience? If you practiced an “at once” obedience today, how would your life, your family’s life, or your ministry, be different?
dianalovesjesus2 on May 8, 2009 at 9:34 am
Over the years, I have grown accustomed to the sound of His voice….I know when it is Him…and not me, in the thoughts in my mind…. I know the ‘sound’ of His voice. And I have found that ‘at once’ is the best response, when I know it is Him…otherwise, it seems the more time I let pass before I respond, the less likely I will respond at all. …and I will miss the grace of having heard His voice, even as He asks me to do something ‘difficult’. There is a grace….and power…when your feet follow the path He marks out for you….a power that is His, and glorifies Him! …and it is best to walk it without hesitation, so as to not dilute it.
But this is entirely different than not being sure about something, and holding it up in prayer to Him, and waiting….patiently for assurance, before moving. ….which is also an important aspect of our many faceted journey.
marvin williams on May 8, 2009 at 10:45 am
Diana, you are so on point when you said the more time we let pass, the less likely we are to obey at all. Hence, immediate obedience trains us to hear his voice more carefully. I am convinced that it’s not another lesson or principle I need to learn; I need to obey what I already know to do. I have way more knowledge than I practice or apply. We are all in process, learning not to hesitate when Jesus calls us. Thanks for your insightful comments. May God give us both “at once” grace.