Hearing an infant cry at bedtime can be one of the most unnerving situations for young parents to handle. When my wife and I first encountered this phenomenon, we struggled to resist the urge to go into our baby’s room and console her little heart. We would peek through the door from time to time—making sure she wasn’t actually hurt or in danger—but we refrained from going in.
Why do parents put their infants (and themselves) through such misery? Because, among other reasons, we’re giving our little ones the opportunity to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around them. (Okay, maybe it does when they’re infants, but we don’t want them to know it!)
We also refrain from picking up newborns every time they whimper, helping them to develop a resiliency that will aid them later as they move through difficult situations. And even though it might not have seemed like it, we were with our kids through all the sobs and tears.
Likewise, we may not feel God’s presence in the midst of difficult times, but that doesn’t mean He’s not there—working behind the scenes. Joseph was a person who had reasons to feel like God wasn’t present in his life. His jealous brothers sold him into slavery (Genesis 37:12-28). Then he was carted off to a foreign land where he was sent to prison for a crime he didn’t commit (Genesis 39:1-20).
But even in an Egyptian prison “the Lord was with [him]” (Genesis 39:20-21). As Joseph would explain many years later to his brothers who had betrayed him, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people” (Genesis 50:20).
God is there, even when His presence isn’t immediately felt.
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Acts 11:1-18
On more than one occasion, Joseph stressed to his brothers that it was God, not they, who sent him to Egypt. Re-read Genesis 45:4-8.
When did God’s providential hand work in your life in a way that you didn’t initially see? How have you felt God’s presence recently?
tom felten on October 25, 2012 at 10:03 am
Good insights, Jeff. It’s been my experience that God’s presence can be felt in an increasingly greater way as I face increasingly hard things in life. I’m so grateful for our comforting God! (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
winn collier on October 25, 2012 at 1:23 pm
being assured that God hears our tears and knows our joys is a good, good word. thank you.
canamer on October 25, 2012 at 11:06 pm
If you could please pray for me, I’d appreciate it. I feel like I’m in an Egyptian prison right now and I don’t feel anything. Just basically existing. Fighting to try to get through one more day.
tom felten on October 26, 2012 at 9:39 am
canamer, you are in my prayers. Please know that many other in the ODJ community are likely praying for you. It sounds like you might benefit from seeking personal counsel from a mature believer in Jesus. Pray about who that might be and then contact them. Finally, these words have often lifted my spirits when depression or fear has threatened to overwhelm me: “Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall” (Psalm 55:22).
Jeff Olson on October 29, 2012 at 8:57 am
canamer, have prayed that you will sense God’s comforting presence…I second Tom’s recommendation…sounds like you need some help getting out of the dark place you are in.