Q: What scientists say about the theory of evolution is clearly contrary to what the Bible says about creation, and no evidence points our way. What is your advice concerning this subject?  —Jonathan

A: Let’s assume, purely for the sake of argument, that scientists discover the “missing links” in the fossil record that would support the evolutionary model. We would still face the implausibility of the universe having all of the right “ingredients” and conditions for life to evolve.

Scientists speak of the “anthropic universe.” What they mean is that the incredibly complex natural world seems to have been elaborately designed for the specific purpose of bringing human consciousness into being!

Even famous atheist Anthony Flew had a change of mind recently, now stating that he believes in God. In an interview he recently said:

“I think that the most impressive arguments for God’s existence are those that are supported by recent scientific discoveries. . . . I think the argument to Intelligent Design is enormously stronger than it was when I first met it.”

The idea that life and the universe are the accidental product of “ingredients” that are miraculously present in just the right amounts and conditions is getting harder and harder for educated people to believe.  —Dan VanderLugt

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